Wednesday, July 19, 2017


How nice to wake up and see sunshine streaming through the porthole. Even though it was cool, the sun warmed up the cabin so we didn’t have to turn the heater on for a change.

We got the dinghy down and motored over to the Research Institute’s dock. They are a not-for-profit educational institution doing research on the long-term environmental impact of humans living in the BC North Coast area. They provide facilities, labs and grants to BC university students, and others, for them to continue their environmental studies. I was very impressed with the facilities - modern and very well maintained.

West Beach
We took the trail over to West Beach on the western side of Colvert Island, wandered around that fantastic cove for a while, then found the trail over to North Beach. The trails are incredibly well maintained, although the one to North Beach is a bit more of a challenge. North Beach, also, was a gorgeous beach and setting.

West Beach
We backtracked to West Beach, then back to the dock where we met a father and daughter from another boat catching crab off of the dock. The water was so clear, you could look down 20 feet or so and see the crabs walking around, going for the bait in the trap. I’m sure they got enough for dinner tonight.
North B

We left the anchorage a little after noon to go over to Fury Cove, getting ready to round Cape Caution. You could tell this was the first break in the weather for a while - there are 14 boats anchored here tonight waiting for tomorrow’s dawn to head south. We got the dinghy down again & explored the cove a bit. There are some brilliant white beaches surrounding the cove, but when you get on to them they consist of crushed shells, not sand. Back at the boat, we sat in the sun on the bridge deck in our lounge chairs. Only the second time this whole trip conditions were agreeable enough to do that.

We’ll have a simple dinner tonight and get to bed early, anticipating an early rise. The distance we have to go tomorrow isn’t that great, about 45 miles or so, depending on which anchorage we go to, but the conditions can make it seem a lot longer…

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