Wednesday, July 5, 2017


July 2

This is pretty much out in the middle of nowhere. No internet, no cell service - how does one keep up on world events? Better yet, why even worry about it for a while?

The Canada Day celebration in Shearwater ended with a fireworks show. It was nice for a small town on an isolated coastline. This morning we got ready to leave, but the dockmaster must have been out celebrating late last night because no one could rouse him, either by phone or VHF radio, and by 8:30 there were people ready to settle up their bills and head out. We heard that we might be able to pay up at the Hotel, and, reluctantly, they took our money for moorage.

A fellow boater...
It was another “grey” morning with rain, clouds and low fog which, at times, really restricted visibility. However, the wind was light, so when it came to an option of taking an “ocean” route versus a more protected, but longer “channel” route, Elaine consented with her usual “Well, if it doesn’t get any worse…” answer. It didn’t get worse, in fact got better and we cut nearly an hour off of our transit time today.

Our destination was Bottleneck Cove, which we had heard was quite pretty and very protected. Well, we must be getting jaded about the scenery, because, although nice, it could not measure up to Green Island the other night. It was OK, but not outstanding, and the wind was not an issue, so we didn’t really need the protection it provided. It was a small cove with lots of streams and waterfalls flowing into it, and it made the water an unusual color. The water “foamed” very easily when I ran the outboard through it. I think this water had a negative effect on the crabbing and fishing in the cove, which weren’t very good.

It rained heavily at times throughout the evening, so it was a quiet, indoor reading evening. The clouds started clearing a bit later on, and I thought I might see a nice sunset, but by 10:30 it’s time to go to bed - I can’t wait up any longer to wait for the sun to set…

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